Transbay Terminal is set to reinvigorate mass transit in San Francisco

I've been to San Francisco and when I was there I never drove a car. I did take a few taxi rides and got on the trolley because, you know, how could you not after seeing all of the Rice-a-Roni commercials. I never encountered the Transbay bus terminal, though. From the sounds of it, I was not missing anything. I don't know about you, but homeless people sleeping on benches and human feces on the ground does not a good commuting experience make as far as I am concerned. It looks like things might be on the way up (could they go the other way?) with the selection of Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects and Hines's design by Transbay Joint Powers Authority for the construction of a new Transbay transit center and skyscraper. Sky scrapers are not necessarily a green addition to the downtown landscape, but they are almost a given in urban centers like San Francisco. At least the developers are adding a roof-top park to absorb CO2 from the buses along with roof-top wind generators.

[Source: Wired]

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