100 Silicon Valley executives to drive plug-in hybrids

The Silicon Valley Leadership Group has organized "Plug-in Push" which includes putting 100 plug-in hybrids into the hands of Silicon Valley executives. Cal Cars now estimates there are 70 plug-ins in North America, so this will more than double the number of PHEVs on the road. The Silicon Valley Leadership Group plans to have the cars delivered by early next year.
The Silicon Valley Leadership Group will also hold an event next week called "Clean and Green" and release a 52-page annual projection which suggests using plug-in hybrids to reduce our emissions of green house gases. The Silicon Valley Leadership Group plans to work with A123Systems, probably the best plug-in conversion company, to get the cars into the executives hands.

Pacific Gas and Electric already has a PHEV called "Sparky" but they will convert a car as part of the plug-in push as well. "What does Silicon Valley have to do with this?" asks Tom Hayse, one of the 100 and chief executive of ETM-Electromatic. "We're trying to make it happen sooner. ... [It's] a Silicon Valley attitude - hey, take it into production and drive down the cost."

[Source: San Jose Mercury News]

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