Tuner Focus: Enthusiasts tour plant, express (some) enthusiasm

Despite being derided by all and sundry for the restyled Focus, Ford invited some the model's biggest fans to tour the plant and sample the new coupe's wares. Members of both Focaljet.com and Focus Fanatics made up the dozen or so enthusiasts that were able to watch the Focus' production from start to finish, as well as driving the new coupe around a Ford test track.

Reading over the article in the Detroit News, you might get the sense that these die-hard Focus fiends aren't particularly thrilled with Ford's newest compact offering, citing everything from a lack of tunable powerplants to nixing the hatchback model from the lineup. Brian DePietro may have summed it up best in three short words: "It's not bad." Not a stellar endorsement from a guy that lives for the marque.

Naturally, the assembled Focus group had questions about the lack of SVT offerings in the compact range. No dice yet, according to John Zaremba, the Focus' marketing manager, who said that. "We're always looking at [the] performance division to enhance our vehicles, but currently there are no plans for SVTs."

[Source: Detroit News]

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