North Carolina boosts biofuel investment

North Carolina's General Assembly has funded a non-profit corporation that will implement the state's Strategic Plan for Biofuels Leadership with 5 million dollars. This plan was mandated by the Assembly in 2006 and was presented to its Environmental Review Comission in April. One of the main ambitions in this plan is making sure that 10 percent of the fuel sold come from biofuels grown and produced within the state.

The Biofuels Center of North Carolina will occupy a former US Dep. of Agriculture tobacco research center in Oxford, belonging to a larger campus completely focused on biofuels. According to the press release, this state is the first one in having both a central targeted agency and a central campus for support and activities.

"Meeting this bold goal will require enormous commitment, new resources, and untold acres of energy crops across the state," said W. Steven Burke, chair of the Biofuels Center's board of directors. "Meeting the goal will also yield a sector of impact statewide, particularly for rural and agricultural communities. How often does a state have opportunity to create a large new industry with widespread benefit?"

[Source: Biofuels Center of North Carolina]

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