VIDEO: 2007 Pebble Beach Tour d'Elegance

The final word on Pebble for 2007 comes via these last video clips of the Tour d'Elegance. As we profiled in the gallery post about The Tour, this is a chance for locals and visitors to get a glimpse of the Pebble Concours field for free, a few days before the big show. The vast majority of entrants take the drive along 17-Mile Drive and down the coast a bit before heading back into Carmel for lunch and then back down to the Polo Fields near Pebble Beach to get ready for Sunday's main event. Entrants who successfully complete the drive get a bonus ribbon that will tip a tie vote in their favor during judging at the Concours.

We shared a ton of still shots from the lineup, 17-Mile Drive and the Bixby Bridge already, but here is some video from those same locales. You'll really get a feel for why the bridge can be a magical location for photos on a clear day, but this year's fog made things a bit trickier. Thanks again to our buddy Duane for processing and hosting these videos. Be sure to check out his site to see some great higher def clips from this year's Pebble Beach festivities and from a bunch of other So Cal auto shows and museum visits as well. Two YouTube compilations follow the jump.

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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