Friday Humor: You could always ride a mule... or a moose


The next time you complain about the high price of gas, just remember that you do have other options. You could ride a bike. You could walk. You could ride a mule. A what? Yep, a mule. Rod Maday has certainly proven that it can be done by riding 1,500 miles on a mule to look for a job. It took him six weeks to get from Boy River, Minnesota to the Department of Workforce Services office in Gillette, Wyoming. It seems he did not like what he saw, as he decided to continue on west to continue his job search.

On second thought, forget all about riding the mule. As you might already be aware, animals emit their own greenhouse gases, and replacing our cars with them is probably a step in the wrong direction. According to this article, "A grown moose will burp and pass methane gas equal to 4,620 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions a year. A car would have to go 20,800 miles to emit the same amount." Maybe you should get a hybrid.

[Sources: The Asbury Park Press and The Post Chronicle]

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