At 65 feet, this is the longest bus in California

If you live in LA, look out for the new bus on the orange line. It's the longest bus in California. The MetroLiner is 65 feet long, five feet longer than normal buses are allowed to be by law. It had to get a pass as a prototype to drive on California roads. The extra 5 feet allows another 20 passengers to fit in the bus bringing the capacity to 100 people. The bus runs on clean natural gas.

Other countries have longer buses than America. The Metro Liner is an accordion style with just one bend but there are buses with two bends. Those buses can be 88 feet long with a capacity of 300 people. America is far behind in the battle for the longest bus in the world. We need to change the laws. Why stop at 88 feet? Why not a 100 feet bus? 110 feet? We can do it! Below the fold is video of a shorter, accordion MetroLiner.

[Source: LA Times]

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