Pebble Beach Week 2007: The Monterey Historics at Laguna Seca, Pt. II

While we already brought you an initial post from the Rolex Monterey Historic Automobile Races, there was so much more action at the track that we wanted to show off more of the great shots we got from Laguna Seca last week. Today's track pics come from earlier in the week and include some action from the special Ferrari 60th anniversary tribute, the parade of F40s to celebrate that iconic supercar's 20th birthday, and a few other classes we didn't get to see on Saturday. Things like IMSA GT and Can-Am, classic GP cars and GT racers of the '50s and '60s. We don't think you'll be disappointed.

These typically gorgeous action shots come courtesy of our friend Drew Phillips of We've also filled in a few paddock shots that show just how huge this event really is. If you've never attended an event like this, there's simply no way to describe how you'll feel the first time you see a dozen Bentley racers all lined up. We highly recommend making it up to Monterey next August or taking in any of the other vintage races that take place around the country.

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