Real reason Prius delayed: ELECTIONS?

Another great Toyota executive interview. No bets this time but some very candid remarks and speculation. All but confirmed is a hybrid Aurion. There is even talk of a hybrid SUV Klugar. Both are seemingly dependent on what the Australian government or the new government after federal elections, does on subsidies. I wonder if the same is true for the American elections?

David Buttner, Toyota Australia's executive director of sales and marketing: "We're now talking about Camry or Aurion and it's the right time with the mood at the moment and the governments are seen to be green." David even talked about moving Prius production away from Japan and hybrids starting to scale. "When it first started with the Prius being built in Japan in an offline-type situation, that's expensive production. But now it's thrown into the mainstream production line and you've got a couple more suppliers who have come on-stream so the cost will come down."

Amazing stuff, right? I guess Toyota got tired of GM taking the spotlight and let the executives go crazy. This is a great sign for the up coming car shows. If they are acting this way now, just imagine what they have in store for the car shows. I can't wait to see what both companies have for us.

[Source: CARSguide]

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