WeBreatheGreen: A small way to make a difference?


"None of us is as smart as all of us."

That is the first message that I saw when I found my way to WeBreatheGreen.com. The site asks you to answer surveys which are then supposed to be seen and interpreted by those who make the decisions about the products and services which are available to consumers. Surveys have long been one way that companies find out what you want. I hate taking them as much as the next guy, I'll admit. But, If I thought that my answers would make a difference, I would be more willing to take the time to answer them. I don't know how successful this particular website is at driving the marketplace, but it sure does look neat with its "pod" arrangement. Kind of like grapes or peas...

Besides the look of the site, another thing I like about the design is that you can just view the comments, questions or insights from their members. For instance, when I clicked on the dark green pod at the bottom labeled "Insights", I was able to see some of the results from surveys which members of the site had filled out. One such survey indicated that 52 percent of those who responded to a particular survey planned to buy a hybrid car within the next three years. Good to know, huh? Granted, those who responded very well might have been those favoring green options already. Still, I found it interesting enough to share it with the rest of the class.

[Source: We Breathe Green]

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