Smoke 'em if you got 'em: Hankook Porsche 993 GT2 drifter struts its stuff

click image above to view video of the drifting Porsche in action

While the mere mention of drifting usually brings about a chorus of ridicule from many directions around here, I have to admit that I enjoy watching the pro guys do their thing. I say this because I know that if asked to go out and do the exact same thing in an identically-prepared car, I would promptly put it into the wall. So I appreciate the skill involved, and honestly, how can you not be at least a little jealous of people whose to light 'em up and hang the tail out in as flashy a manner as possible. Seriously. God bless America. To that extent, follow the jump for video of Tyler McQuarrie's Hankook Porsche 993 GT2 doing its drift thing. If it looks more fun than your job, it's probably because it is.

[Source: YouTube via]

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