Mark Morelli to take the helm at Energy Conversion Devices

In the early nineties, Bob Stempel was the chairman and CEO of General Motors when development work started in earnest on the car that would eventually become the EV1. Unfortunately for him, the company hit one of their periods of rough financial times and Stempel was ousted along with president Lloyd Reuss. Stempel landed on his feet and ended up moving over to Energy Conversion Devices, the company that was developing the batteries for the EV1.
After twelve years as the CEO of ECD Ovonics, Stempel is getting ready to retire and the company has chosen his replacement. On Aug. 31, former United Technologies executive Mark Morelli will become President and CEO of ECD Ovonics while Stempel stays on a Chairman of the Board. ECD is involved in a variety alternative energy areas including solar power, solid state hydrogen storage and owning fifty percent of Cobasys.

[Source: ECD Ovonics]

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