Bloomberg's Strange Commute

New York's Mayor Mike Bloomberg is known for taking the train. He has also called for major changes in transport in New York like a congestion charge and hybrid taxis. You could say what you like about his plans for greening New York but you can't say he is not walking the talk. Or is he? The New York Times stalked him for a few weeks. He actually takes two SUVs a fourth of the time when he commutes.

He leaves them idling as they wait for him in the morning. He could walk 5 minutes to the closest train station but for some reason decides to take the SUVs. The SUVs are 2007 Flex Fuel Chevrolet Suburbans. He uses Ethanol in New York and whenever he can when he travels. Even on E85, the fuel economy for the Suburban is horrible. EPA ratings 4WD and 2WD are as low as 10 and 14 MPG for the city.

The SUVs are "selected, owned, and maintained" by the NYPD. While the mayor's staff won't confirm, I think it's a security issue. I mean, look at that thing! I think bullet proof is a standard option.

[Source: New York Times]

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