A Ferrari with four doors? Todt says "Non!"


In the pit lane, Jean Todt is known for saying little and saying it curtly when he does. It seems nearly every time Speed TV attempts to interview him before a race, he waves the camera off and returns to his charges. In his role as CEO of Ferrari, however, he appears to be quite a bit more loquacious. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, he practically said more in one sitting than he has in 14 years as manager of the Scuderia.

Chief among his revelations was that "Ferrari has never considered a four-door car." Many Ferrari fans will find this heartening news in an age of once-restrained brands oozing into every segment possible. In the same interview, nevertheless, Todt says that "we must pay attention to everything that is happening in our business." With the 4-door-super-sedan-slash-GT trend having climbed the social ladder all the way to Aston Martin's rung, it could be wondered whether Ferrari will continue to keep the doors closed on any sedan considerations.

[Source: Wall Street Journal]

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