BMW mulling MINI Cooper D for Canada

An article published in yesterday's Globe and Mail newspaper focused on the ongoing discussion/debate our neighbors to the north are having with regard to greenhouse gas emissions and the role fuel plays in them. Automakers quoted in the article are essentially unanimous in their opinions that Canada needs to improve the quality and variety of the fuels it has on the market. Cleaner detergent gasolines, low-sulfur diesel, and E85 Ethanol are all touched upon in the piece by Greg Keenan.

One of the more interesting revelations comes near the top of the article. BMW, which will add diesels to its Canadian product range next year, is apparently considering whether or not to export the very economical MINI Cooper D to the Great White North. As we've mentioned before, the latest version of the Cooper D is good for 60 mpg. A note to BMW: Instead of just Canada, you should think of maybe sending the Cooper D to ALL of North America. You might find that the market's plenty receptive in that other country. You know... the one with 50 states.

[Source: The Globe and Mail]

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