Setting new records in human powered travel: one if by land, two if by sea?


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One reason many of us choose not to ride a bike to work is that it would take us too long to get there and back under our own power. I would qualify for that distinction. As much as I enjoy mountain biking, I have yet to discover a fondness for road riding. I work about 15 miles or so from my house, avoiding expressways. I bet it would take me about an hour to get there. Not Sam Whittingham, though. Sam just set a new world record for human powered vehicles by pedaling 53.917 miles in one hour. That means Sam could go from my house to my office, back to my house and back to my office before I got there. Sheesh... I'm slow. See a video of his record above.

Speaking of human powered endurance, Greg Kolodziejzyk set a new human powered boat record for 24 hours, traveling 650.538 miles. Greg next plans to "pedal his human powered boat 'WiTHiN' 3000 miles across the Atlantic ocean in less than 40 days setting a new crossing record" while raising money for charity in December 2008.

[Source: Gizmag, Pedal The Ocean]

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