Um... we want these: 60 years of Ferrari race posters

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Man, these sure would look good in the TV room. Galleria Ferrari is exhibiting collector Sergio Cassano's eye-popping collection of Ferrari racing posters all summer. The posters reflect a variety of artistic styles from a number of different artists, and all of them have a common theme: Ferrari is the featured marque in each one. That's not surprising, given Scuderia Ferrari's rich racing history, and to make the exhibit even more special, the posters are joined by a pair of the racers that helped shape the Ferrari racing story over the years: the 500 F2 and 750 Monza. Come to think of it, those'd look really good in the garage. Y'know... to match the posters in the TV room.

The exhibition will run through Spetember 16.

Full details are in the press release after the jump.

[Source: Ferrari]
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