Denise Gray leads GM's Central Hybrid Energy Storage System Group

SAE's Automotive Engineering International magazine reports that General Motors is putting more assets into its efforts to utilize electricity - not only for "telematics" - but for drive systems as well. Telematics is the growing use of electricity for control and features on a car (like this). Navigation systems, entertainment systems; steering and window drive systems are examples of telematics. Drive systems refer to more the "heavy iron" part of an automobile: the brakes, the engine, the fuel system, the transmission. Hybrids, various battery technologies, plug-in hybrids (PHEV) are part of that effort.
To emphasize and centralize that "heavy iron" part of work, GM has created a new group, Hybrid Energy Storage Systems, and chose Denise Gray, a mid-career GM electrical engineer, to lead it at its Warren, MI research and development center. Ms. Gray has global responsibilities and have oversight over worldwide GM hybrid development efforts. She is tasked with streamlining the number of systems being studied while making sure all needs are covered.

Ms. Gray said she feels honored to get this development position because it puts her profession of electrical engineering in the front lines of automotive development. She feels that "The E/E (electrical engineering) discipline will be an enabler for making vehicles the best they can be."

[Source: Automotive Engineering International]

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