Gov. Schwarzenegger says yes to high-speed rail; petition says no to high gas prices in CA

Two bits of news out of California to pass along. First, EV World has the text of comments made by Gov. Schwarzenegger earlier this week supporting a high-speed rail system in California. He called such a system "a tremendous benefit to our state."
It's not like high-sped rail in California is anything new (it's been in the works for 10 years already), but with the recent highway collapse, now is as good a time as any to talk about alternatives.

Second: Californians aren't too pleased with their high gas prices. Oil Watchdog has set up an online petition for people to call on state legislators to "discuss regulatory structures and changes to bring down prices and prevent unreasonable pump-price spikes like the one we are now enduring."

[Source: EV World, OIl Watchdog]

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