Love Hertz: Shelby GT-H rental stolen, man arrested

As devout members of Our Lady of Blowers and Burnouts, most of us can sympathize with someone that rents the Shelby GT-H and then has to return the 'Stang to their local Hertz office. It must be a tough pill to swallow, but at the end of the day, what's the alternative?

For one weary soul in Arizona, the idea of leaving the keys with a pimple-faced teen at the rental counter and then catching a ride with his wife back to his moribund existence house was too much to bear. So he decided to keep the gold and black beauty – for six months.

[Source: via MustangBlog]

After half a year, the long arm of the law finally caught up with the rental rebel, and according to his neighbor, the cops threw him into the back of a squad car, charging him with auto theft.

This brief story of sorrow comes courtesy of a member of, who posted the above pic on the StangNet forum. The shooter in question said that he had assumed that his neighbor had bought the car at auction or it was some kind of well-conceived clone. The perp even took the time to throw a few mods at the stolen GT-H, including an exhaust and an intake.

We know we should wag our fingers at such antics, but we can't. We don't condone, but we understand.

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