GM releases pic of production Camaro and a bit more

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General Motors released an image today of GM Chairman and CEO Rick Wagoner, Vice-Chairmen Bob Lutz and Fritz Henderson standing in front of a production clay model of the 2009 Camaro being chiseled. The official caption of the pic refers to the car as a "production clay model", although from what we can see through the pleated pants of these three GM execs, the front end looks exactly the same as the Camaro Concept that first debuted at the 2006 Detroit Auto Show.

What's more interesting, perhaps, is the fuzzy background showing this design studio's wall on which hangs a concept rendering of what appears to be a new Chevy vehicle. Josh Oliver from surmises that it's a new rear-wheel drive coupe, possibly a new Monte Carlo or Chevelle. We're not sure from the available evidence that such a claim can be made with any degree of certainty, but it is clear the car on the wall is one we haven't been officially introduced to yet. Any thoughts on its identity? Impala, perhaps? Drop your guess in the comments.

[Source: GM via The GM Source]

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