Autocar reveals public transport no alternative for UK drivers

A survey commissioned by Autocar (the UK website) found that just one in five drivers "would ever consider switching to public transport." That's not a lot, but 20 percent of the drivers in the UK is still a lot of drivers. Autocar editor Chas Hallett said in a statement that, "Our survey proves that for most people public transport will never be an option for everyday travel. People just don't want to give up their cars completely." Londonites have a better feeling for public transportation than those in the North of the UK, 74 percent said they wanted to stay in their cars in London, but 85 percent said so in the North.

Thirty percent of the younger set (those aged 17-24) said they are less keen on staying in their cars and agreed they can see a time when they will not own cars and use public transport. Other findings, according to Autocar:

"The survey also revealed that when looking to replace their current vehicle the cost of ownership was of more concern than environmental issues. Those aged 65+ placed the environment higher on their list (19%) than those in the 35-44 (7%) category and that the running costs was most important to the 25-34 group (37%)."

The survey was conducted by IPSOS MORI and asked 600 owner-drivers.

[Source: Autocar]

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