Wind tunnel + dyno = as real as you can get

After spending an unhealthy amount of time around a dyno in recent weeks (more on that soon), the benefits of such testing is hardly lost on those of us looking to eek out every last ounce of propulsion potential. But they don't tell the whole tale. Neither do wind tunnels for that matter, as even air traveling upwards of 200 MPH doesn't accurately reflect real world conditions. Enter Haas CNC Racing.

The NASCAR team, owned by Gene Haas, worked with Jacobs Engineering to develop a combination rolling road/wind tunnel that uses a steel belt to run the team's vehicles up to 180 MPH, while at the same time, gaining readings from each individual wheel. Coupled with wind tunnel technology, the system can not only get the car's wheels spinning, but can also thrust 2.85 million cubic feet of air over the vehicle every minute.

According to our friends at Jalopnik, the facility is due to open sometime this year and it will be available to rent to well-funded teams. Be sure to click on over to see another pic that gives you a better idea of the size of the Haas/Jacobs creation.

[Source: Haas CNC Machining Magazine via Jalopnik]

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