Fast Women gives new meaning to adult toys

Fast Women provides a scale model dream boat to go along with your scale model dream ride. Available in the most popular 1:43, 1:24 and 1:18 scales, you can get the right gal pal for your car at around $10, or get a whole harem and recreate your own DUB, VIP or SEMA show with their value sets, priced around $25-$30. Most are pre-painted, giving you the choice of blonde, brunette or redhead, but you can also choose the ultimate custom model and get them au naturale. Add only the coloring you want and the clothing you deem appropriate. Although they've been on the market for some time, there is a whole new range of hot rodding honeys available through the Fast Women website. If this seems to be just the thing you've been looking for to put the finishing touch on your dream diorama, give them a click.

[Source: Fast Women]

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