Dodge Caliber SRT-4 coming Fall '07

The Dodge SRT team is more accessible than most engineers working for a major OEM, which is evident by its participation in monthly forum chats on to update fanboys on the progress of its projects. Currently, the team has the Caliber SRT-4 on its plate, and the focus of the most recent chat session centered around the car's impending arrival. The SRT team revealed that Dodge's 300-horsepower "economy" car will be a normal 2008 model year car, which means it will arrive "as the leaves change colors", according to one engineer. Unfortunately, the on-sale date can't be pinned down to a specific day this far out, so we'll have to be satisfied with an autumnal arrival. We're very eager for someone to get their hands on an SRT-4 to see how Dodge handles the torque steer issues with routing 300 horsepower through the front wheels. But for now, we wait.

Thanks for the tip, John!


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