QuantumSphere, Inc. to Present Breakthrough Efficiencies in Hydrogen Generation at the National Hydrogen Association

The National Hydrogen Association Meeting is coming up this week in San Antonio, Texas and QuantumSphere will be making a presentation about a new breakthrough in hydrogen electrolysis. QSI makes nano metals and will be a announcing a new electrolysis electrode design that uses nano scale catalysts combined with larger materials, to achieve dramatic increases in hydrogen generation efficiency.

QSI is claiming their new design has an efficiency of more than eighty-five percent at lower current flow rates and can produce seven times as much hydrogen as current systems. That puts them ahead of the Department of Energy 2010 target of seventy-five percent efficiency. At higher current levels the efficiency drops off to sixty percent but is still well above the efficiency of nickel powder even at the lower current levels. If this can be verified and commercialized it could move electrolysis a big step closer to being a viable large scale source of hydrogen.

[Source: QuantumSphere Inc.]

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