Geek Alert! Help CNN pick the sci-fi car of the future

Throughout the years, the entertainment world has delivered numerous visions of what the car of the future will be. Flying cars are big, naturally, as are semi-automated machines like the Lexus Tom Cruise drives in Minority Report (on sale at eBay Motors for a Buy it Now price of $76,000) or the Audi featured in I, Robot. CNN is running a cool interactive poll where readers can rank ten pre-selected "future cars" in the order they feel best represents what the car of the future should be like. Personally, I lean more towards Rick Deckard's ride than that of, say, George Jetson. Bruce Willis' cab from The Fifth Element is up there on my list, too. But that's just me. Check out the poll, get your votes in, and feel free to tell us what your faves are in the comments.


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