Engadget gets hands on with ASUS Lamborghini VX2

Many folks erroneously believe the various Ferrari- and Lamborghini-branded laptops are scams, a nice way to blow a few extra hundies on a machine you could've gotten for less without the association to Italy's finest automakers. They can think that, but we've had hands on time with both types of laptops and have been nothing but impressed with their build quality, performance and, yes, even price. The new ASUS Lamborghini VX2 is the latest, and sister-site Engadget got to paw it at the ongoing CeBIT Conference.

You can check out the basic specs here (long story short, they're good), but the machine at the conference on display next to a real Murcielago had a few extra touches. First off, it's got HDMI out, which for those not yet inducted into the world of HD TV, is a good thing. It's the special Lambo touches, however, the we like. Check out the exhaust fan cover on the bottom of the VX2. Look familiar? It's a replica of the Murcielago's wheel design. The VX2 also sports leather palm rests that match the upholstery, even the stitching, inside the Murcielago's cabin. The carbon fiber casing is also a nice touch that makes the ASUS Lamborghini VX2 our new favorite sports carputer.

Check out Engadget's complete gallery of high-res pics here.

[Source: Engadget]

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