Geneva Motor Show: Subaru diesel boxer engine

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Over on Autoblog, Damon has a report on the unveiling of the eagerly anticipated new diesel engine from Subaru. Unfortunately, there appears to be no information of any substance forthcoming from Subaru, aside from availability. Even that tidbit is disappointing, with sales apparently limited to Europe beginning in 2008. The only technical detail in the two paragraphs available on the Subaru web-site are that it will drop right in with the Subaru all-wheel drive system. Hopefully, the US market will eventually see this engine because an AWD Impreza diesel could be a pretty impressive piece, because the torque of the oil-burner would help overcome the drag of the all-wheel-drive.

[Source: Autoblog]

The "SUBARU BOXER TURBO DIESEL" engine, which will be introduced into the European market, takes advantage of the inherent superiority of Horizontally -Opposed engines, such as high rigidity and low noise and vibration, resulting in no need of a balancer shaft. In addition, it has also realized compact design, which stands on a par with the Subaru Horizontally-Opposed gasoline engine of the same displacement.

This "SUBARU BOXER TURBO DIESEL" engine will be mounted on Subaru's proprietary symmetrical AWD (All-Wheel Drive) system as in the case of the gasoline unit. In order to highlight the advantages coming from the combination of the torquey diesel engine and the great traction obtained through the SUBARU Symmetrical AWD system, this engine will be on display coupled with the drivetrain.
The vehicles fitted with the "SUBARU BOXER TURBO DIESEL" engines are slated to hit the European market in 2008.

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