Was he or wasn't he? TheGMSource reporting shipping company employee NOT jailed (Probably)


First off, we know for a fact that's a Corvette in those pictures allegedly taken by an EMO TRANS employee . That we know. But Josh Oliver at TheGMSource now says the anonymous employee might or might not have been fired from his EMO job. Maybe. And Oliver says it now looks like the alleged photographer most likely was not taken to jail for snapping those pictures. In all likelihood. Though if he did take those sensational photos that have us all excited with Blue Devil anticipation, then General Motors is most definitely not very happy with him. And we can more than likely assume GM and its myriad lawyers have already used up several ink cartridges printing lengthy legal documents with this guy's name on them. At least that's what we would do were we an international automaker with trade secrets to protect. We think.

You get the impression nobody is totally sure what's going on with this case? Then you're right. Probably. Hopefully as the day passes in scenic Romulus, Michigan on Friday, we can take a few allegedlys and a probably or two out of the story. Maybe. Either way, we're (allegedly) on the edges of our seats waiting for the next twist.

[Source: TheGMSource]

After speaking with a representative from General Motors personally, we can say unequivocally that the automaker claims not to have taken any action legal action against anyone in this matter. That's from the horse's mouth, people. Whether or not other companies, entities, or suppliers have done anything is not known, but GM appears to be staying out of it completely.

Turns out we didn't know for a fact that the man in the middle of all this is an employee of EMO Trans. The shipping company also contacted us to inform us that the man in question is not an employee of theirs and they do not know him. Furthermore, EMO Trans also claims he is an employee of a company called Central State, which is a handling agency for the German airline Lufthansa.

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