Small New Mexico town could have three alternative-fuel production facilities soon

The small town of Clovis, New Mexico, is quickly becoming an alternative fuel production center. The Con-Agra group wants to build a 105-million gallon ethanol plant west of town. And now two different companies have plans to build separate biodiesel production facilities in an industrial park south of town. Governor Bill Richardson announced that American Renewable Fuels, a subsidiary of Australian Renewable Fuels, will build an $80-million, 20-acre plant capable of producing 75 million gallons of biodiesel each year. ARES Blue Sun Development will soon break ground on a plant that can produce 15 million gallons of biodiesel.
Officials like the Clovis area for its proximity to rail lines and access to plenty of animal fat.

[Source: Marlena Hartz/Clovis News Journal]

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