RR of the Day: 1972 Austin-Mini

A few of us around Autoblog HQ have an affinity for some of the more diminutive automotive offerings. When it comes to the classic Mini, it just doesn't seem to get any better. Although its current iteration is one of the great vehicles to come out this century, they look downright bloated compared to this 1972, Canadian-spec Austin Mini, owned by AB reader Adam.

He purchased the Mini back in 1998 and in 2005 it underwent a full restoration, which Adam describes as the "Joan Rivers cosmetic makeover." The exterior has been bathed in Lotus green, keeping with its British heritage, while the original 998cc has been dispatched in favor of a rebuilt 1293cc unit. In addition to the upgraded mill, Adam sliced open the roof and fitted it with a custom sliding canvas top, as well as upgrading the stock 10-inch rollers with 12-inch wheels all around.

We like it, a lot, so it gets the distinction of being today's Reader Ride of the Day.

Follow the jump for a rear shot, along with directions on how to submit your own ride to be selected as our RR of the Day.

How to submit to RR of the Day:
Create a
Flickr account if you don't already have one. Search for and join the group called 'Autoblog RR of the Day'. Upload up to three photos of your ride to your own account at a size no larger than 450 pixels wide if possible and include as much information about it and yourself as you can. Click on each photo and just above the picture it will say "Send to group". Click that and select the Autoblog group. You're done, that's it! We love seeing what YOU drive, so please keep those submissions coming!

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