RIP: Motor Trend Classic cancelled

While perusing our latest issue of the newsletter for February, we noticed an announcement by Truck Trend editor and Motor Trend writer Mark Williams that reveals the end has come for Motor Trend Classics, the bi-monhtly publication that was obviously a labor of love for the MT staff that produced it. Apparently, not enough advertising could be secured to keep it going.
MT Classics was one of our fave rags to buy at the airport before a long flight. Devoid of any new car reviews, instrumented testing or industry gossip, it live or died by the quality of its writing, and it was actually quite good. The magazine's shape was big in the classic Euro tradition, which meant each page was a wall of pictures and text for the reader to slowly digest. Williams says that the people at MT responsible for the book are optimistic it will live on in some form, perhaps as a once-a-year specialty publication or as a new web asset for MT. Either way, we're a bit sad to see this one go, as its pages were filled with examples of automotive journalism stripped down to its essence – passionate people talking about cars they love.

Follow the jump to read the entire quote from Mark Williams of Trucks Trends and Motor Trends. You can also hit this link to see a video of Motor Trend Editor-in-Chief Angus Mackenzie explain the rationale behind the creation of MT Classic.

[Source: February 2007 newsletter]

Quote from an february 2007 newsletter...

Truck Trend Editor and Motor Trend writer Mark Williams writes: "Not sure this has been announced formally yet but the Folio Award Winning Motor Trend Classic, our labor of love, has been put to rest... just not enough advertising support to make it viable. A lot of blood and sweat from Angus MacKenzie and Matt Stone went into every issue, and stellar writing from Todd Lassa and Frank Markus as well. For those of us who have been around awhile, you know these things happen. But we're hopeful and optimistic that Motor Trend Classic will survive in one way or another, either as a once-a-year Motor Trend specialty publication or quite possibly some kind of e-zine, we'll have to wait and see. A huge thank you to all those writers and photographers out there who offered their support and skill. We'll keep you updated."

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