Should Ford get loan guarantees if it promises to bring us a PHEV soon?

We know Ford is bleeding money. What's the best way for the company to bring some cash in (besides, of course, selling cars)?
Writing in his Talking Points Memo Café blog, Tom Wright is proposing an idea that would allow Ford to borrow lots of cash now in return for bringing a PHEV to market in about three years. Sound outlandish? Not really, Wright says, since Ford could license any technology they don't currently have, in order to get the car on the road as soon as possible. Partnering the loan guarantees with the requirement to offer sales incentives to move the plug-ins off the lots would help Ford and the country, Wright says.

I think that Ford will be bringing a PHEV to the market soon on its own. The company has already demonstrated concept PHEVs, and company execs know that there is a lot of consumer interest in selling them to the public (I doubt there is anyone who thinks the looney but kinda cool Airstream is going to hit the showroom floors anytime soon). If loads of money can help this happen sooner, it wouldn't really even be a loan, but an investment.

[Source: Tom Wright / TPM Cafe]

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