Pardon our dust: Autoblog gets confirmationless comments!

As we've told you, our development team is hard at work improving Autoblog and the rest of the sites across the Weblogs, Inc. network. First we got a kick-ass high-resolution photo gallery system, then we got a much improved search feature, now we have something you all have been requesting for quite a while: confirmationless comments!

We know how much you all have hated waiting to receive a confirmation email every single time you leave a comment. Now you don't have to. To begin using confirmationless comments, just leave a comment like you normally would, and the last line of your confirmation email (your last one ever!) will be your email address and a password. Next time you leave a comment, just input your email address and that password in the "Current Users" area on the right. Click "Remember me" so you don't have to input that password every single time.

While we're ecstatic to have this feature, the development team isn't done producing it. We've lost the feature to attach your favorite URL to your name, and for now you're stuck with the password that the system generates for you. In the very near future, however, the system will be able to assign you a profile in which you can modify these things as much as you want. We decided that we wanted confirmationless comments now instead of later though, so we rolled them out early and will update them as these additional features become available.

For now, go ahead and comment 'till your fingers bleed.

PS: If you're having unexpected problems or issues, click here to let us know or tell us in the comments of this post.

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