Tesla Motors, Toyota, ECD Ovonics make Plenty Magazine's top green companies list

Stan and Iris Ovshinsky are the often-unheralded pioneers of today's hybrid cars. But the company they started in 1960, ECD Ovonics (at the time called Energy Conversion Devices), was selected by Plenty Magazine - which writes about environmental issues with the slogan "It's Easy Being Green" - as one of the Plenty 20. The companies on this list are the ones that "will change the world" according to the cover blurb, and ECD Ovonics shares space on the list with Tesla Motors, Toyota and more that aren't as directly tied into the automotive industry (like Green Mountain Coffee and Konarka). The full list is:
  1. Nanosolar
  2. ECD Ovonics
  3. GreenFuel Technologies
  4. Envirofit International
  5. General Electric
  6. Organic Valley
  7. Tesla motors
  8. Southwest Windpower
  9. Domini
  10. Toyota
  11. Whole Foods
  12. Green Mountain Energy
  13. Konarka
  14. Goldman Sachs
  15. Ormat Technologies
  16. Ice Energy
  17. Green Sandwich Technologies
  18. Green Mountain Coffee
  19. Fiberstars
  20. NaturaLawn
You can read about three of the twenty at the Plenty website, but to get the details of the other 17, you'll need to subscribe.

Or, I suppose, use Google.

[Source: Plenty Magazine]

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