Tesla's Martin Eberhard weighs in on the SOTU

Over at the official Tesla Blog today, CEO Martin Eberhard gives his impression's of last night's State of the Union address including a reference to Bush's mention of "Nucular" energy. Eberhard makes a point about not commenting on anything other than the energy part of the speech, but it's clear from his tone, that he is not a fan of the current administration. He acknowledged that at last Bush actually uttered the words, "Global Climate Change", but seemed unimpressed by the rest. As expected he saw most of the speech as so much hot air. Eberhard also comments on revamping CAFE, and promotes being able to trade CAFE credits, since this would be a boon to EV manufacturers like Tesla, Zap! and Phoenix. Click through to read the rest of Martin's comments.
[Source: Tesla Motors Blog]

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