Lutz says he's not going anywhere

Yesterday I posted a story that originated at about GM Vice-Chairman "Maximum" Bob Lutz riding off into the sunset next year. Josh Oliver over at the went straight to the man and got the truth. According to Josh, when queried about the story, Mr. Lutz said, "The whole thing is utter and complete BS."
I stand corrected, and based on what I saw from GM at Cobo Hall last week, I truly hope he does stick around for a while. For the first time that I can remember, I was truly excited by most of what I saw at the GM display, the "Angry Beaver" GXP excepted. His presence at GM seems to have ignited a spark that needs to fanned and kept alive. GM needs to keep the focus on the product, because ultimately, no matter how you run the business, if people don't want the cars, nothing else matters.

[Soure: TheGMSource]

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