Delhi likely to host Indian Grand Prix


The Asian push in F1 keeps growing stronger. After reports of Singapore edging closer to signing a deal with Bernie Ecclestone, and South Korea set to join the calendar for 2010, efforts to establish an Indian Grand Prix are firming up.

The plans for an F1 race in India hadn't been getting off the back-burner as potential organizers couldn't agree on a site on the subcontinent, not unlike the deadlock that kept F1 out of the US until its return at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Now Ecclestone seems confident that Delhi is the right place.

The new Asian grands prix in India, Singapore and Korea would be joining Turkey, Bahrain, Malaysia, Japan and China, bringing the number of races in Asia up to eight, the same as the number of European races on the 2007 calendar. That'd be a radical departure for a race series that has been heavily Euro-centric for decades, but Ecclestone is keen to bring F1 to new markets and Asia's where it's at.


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