Fourth annual Sustainable Biodiesel Summit scheduled for Feb. 4 in San Antonio

If you're into locally produced biodiesel - how one does it, and how to do it yourself - you might want to head to San Antonio, Texas early next month. The fourth annual Sustainable Biodiesel Summit takes place on Sunday, February 4th, with some social events (poolside movie party!) scheduled for Saturday evening. The schedule looks good, with small business models, fuel quality and the ever-popular Biodiesel 101 (but, if you passed this class a while back, visit the concurrent carbon labeling and trading session) all discussion topics.

Registration costs a little bit, and the cheapest option is to do it before the 22nd of this month. The early-bird price is $100, which covers the conference and a day full of organic meals.

The summit organizers say that, "One of the goals of the SBS is to foster the environmental sustainability of the biodiesel industry. Initiatives include supporting smaller, local production using regional feedstocks, encouraging local ownership of production and distribution, increasing energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy in production, and diversifying feedstocks."

Sounds good. The fuels that will move you to the summit, though, are your own concern.

Also, just FYI, when I visited the Sustainable Biodiesel website, I kept getting warning messages that the site was using "an older, insecure version of the SSL protocol." I was eventually able to get through, but you've been notified.

[Source: Sustainable Biodiesel]

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