Autoblog's CARS Photochop gallery is complete

click on image above to view the high-resolution gallery with 61 pics

What started off as a suggestion turned into something much bigger when we politely prodded our readers to submit their own Pixar creations to us using the CARS Photochop guide we posted on January 2nd. In less than 10 days we've received 61 submissions, which is incredible. We were doing well at updating the gallery with your submissions in real time, though that exercise took a back seat this week to our Detroit Auto Show coverage. Today, however, we finally got around to uploading the last batch of pics to complete the gallery.

The quality of submissions is incredible and it looks like everyone had fun anthropomorphizing their daily drivers. What amazed us, however, were the submissions that actually seemed to express the personality of the subject car. The little white Honda S2000 on the track with a giddy grin, the HUMMER H1 with a snorting sneer, and the Gemballa Mirage GT that looks frighteningly overconfident and cocky. In truth, they were all really good, and a special shoutout goes to Mike Warren who submitted four quality designs – the Hugger, C. Exef, General HUMMER and Mater II.

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