Detroit Auto Show: Bill Goldberg will host new auto reality show

With the exception of "Pinks" on Speed Channel, automotive prime-time reality shows have been quite disappointing. The plot for "American Hot Rod" is a boring redundancy: whiny, bitchy, overworked crew is behind schedule but everyone is happy when the cover comes off in a grand ceremony. The sophomoric car-napping plots on "Overhauling" get in the way of any meaningful mechanical work that car enthusiasts would like to see, and no experienced car builder believes that those projects are completely finished in a week.

Maybe wrestling superstar Bill Goldberg can bring intelligence, maturity and hopefully entertainment to car-based reality shows with his series called "Bullrun," which debuts on Spike TV on March 13. The show is based on the international automotive rally of the same name. Twelve teams of two drivers each drive their own cars and compete for $200,000 in prize money.

Follow the jump to learn more about the show's structure, what vehicles are competing, and when it will be on the air.

"It's a very eclectic group of people and cars," Goldberg told us as he cruised the Detroit Auto Show. "You find out how willing the drivers are to push their own cars to the limit."

Some of the vehicles competing include a Lamborghini, Lotus Elise, '57 Chevy, Ford F-150, '68 Charger and a new Scion. The teams are not allowed cell phones, GPS or any other type of outside assistance, and they're supposed to handle all repairs themselves. A team is eliminated at the end of each show.

"There's lots of tension, lots of cool cars, a lot of great driving, lots of cool stunts and some great countryside," added Goldberg, who recently became a father and chronicles his thoughts on cars and other matters through his Web site.

Filming took three weeks and covered 4,800 miles on a north-south route in the Western USA. The 1-hour show runs in the 10 pm timeslot on Tuesday nights.

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