Swiss RE invests in reducing employees' personal carbon footprints

Swiss Re deals in money. The "world's leading and most diversified global reinsurer" deals in life and health issues as well as traditional insurance for things like theft, damage and casualty. Any company in this field that does well must not smile upon throwing away money.
But that's (sort of) what Swiss Re is doing. The company is offering a rebate of up to CHF 5,000 (about $4,000) to any of its employees who invests in companies that contribute to reducing greenhouse gasses. The rebate, called "COYou2 Reduce and Gain," can also be used to purchase green products like hybrid cars or installing solar panels. Employees can request a rebate of up to half of the amount they have personally invested in these greener measures.

The Swiss Re company has been working to go carbon neutral since 2003 (expected completion date: 2013) and the extension to reducing employees' CO2 emissions came after working out a deal with the Clinton Global Initiative. Maybe the employees will now take a second look at the Smart EV.

[Source: Swiss Re]

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