Faster, Faster! Top 10 jobs that let you drive fast

We know some of you out there are reading these posts while chained to a desk, living vicariously through us automotive scribes, waiting for any opportunity to get out and enjoy the thrill of the open road. You often contemplate quitting your job and finding a way to join this circus, getting your own chance to pilot a Koenigsegg CCX or have a Bentley parked in your garage for a few days.

Well, you might have more options to drive fast in your job than you think. Thanks to, we have a list of ten careers that will allow you to fulfill your dreams and still let you pay the bills in the process. Blogger somehow didn't make the list, but we can assure you, there are opportunities in this field as well. Some of the top ten are obvious, and a few come with a twist, but all allow high-speed thrills in one way or another. Without further ado, check out the top ten after the jump.

Click the read link for a more detailed explanation of just how each will fill your need for speed, as well as additional info such as pay and qualifications.


1. Automobile Tester
2. Race Car Driver
3. Pilot
4. Firefighter
5. Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
6. Taxi Driver
7. Valet (Parking Attendant)
8. Ocean Lifeguard
9. Bike Messenger
10. Delivery Driver

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