Honey, I shrunk the race car: MitJet Series races mini Vipers, Porsches, BMWs

Looking like Legends racers for the Euro set, Mitjet has been running a racing series in France and Spain that uses miniature replica bodies from famous sportscars sitting atop dedicated racing chassis. At first they really look like those photoshops of shrunken exotic cars that are so popular as avatars. But they are very real as the video will show. And fun too. Unlike the Legends cars that mimic the styling of classic American stock cars from the '30s, however, the Mitjet racers look like Touring Car Shrinky Dinks.

The current lineup includes your choice of the BMW M6, Porsche 911, Dodge Viper, Renault Megane or Seat Leon. Where the Legends series uses Yamaha 1200 cc motors putting out about 125 hp, the Mitjets run the newer 1300 XJR engine that produces 150 hp. The Mitjets weigh about the same (1,100 pounds) as the Legends. They should do the 0-100 km sprint in about 3.6 seconds and have a top speed of around 210 km/h (130 mph). The cars run about 25,000 Euro ($33,000) and you have to commit to at least two races to run the series, which adds another 2,300 Euro. The site seems to be down at the moment, but mitjet-series.com has all the details about pricing and the 6-race series. Watch a video after the jump.

[Sources: Mitjet, Motorpasion, Carscoop]

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