Best cars to commute in?

OK, we know what you're thinking. Another list from another publication claiming to know what's best for us. But this one's kind of different. Folks from and have just announced their picks for the "Best Cars for the Commute." As they point out, America's commute times have gone up dramatically in the past few years, so the relationship between man and machine has gotten even more important. Particularly inside, where the wide variety of electronic gadgetry has turned many autos into rolling entertainment centers. Hence, these websites teamed up to determine the vehicles that might be best for keeping you sane while behind the wheel.

They decided that above all drivers want to be safe and secure in a cacoon of calm, especially in the chaos of traffic jams. And so, an emphasis on comfort, smooth operation, and isolation joined the biggies like fuel economy and price in making their choices. Not focusing on performance as much as making the drudgery of commuting pass with as little stress as possible, there are still a few cool cars in the top ten. The list runs the gamut from the Ford Focus and Suzuki SX4, all the way up to a Benz and a Porsche! Click through the read link for the whole rundown, including a detailed explanation of how each choice meets their criteria. And as always, we'd love to know what you think of the list.

[Source: The Auto Channel]

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