Mulally has 'secret war room' within Ford


If history serves them right, taking Alan Mulally's advice to "follow me" should be looked at as an opportunity by Ford brass, even when it involves a walk out of the boardroom and down a flight of steps in to his secret "war room".

Insiders are talking about the room, buried deep within the confines of Ford's world headquarters in Dearborn, that has walls covered with charts, graphs and lists of Ford products and markets that define the road to turn the troubled automaker around.

The recently-appointed CEO also points out that he feels some really good people will leave the company during these gut-wrenching times, but for those who stay the ride back up will be infinitely more exhilarating.

Mullaly may begin to lay out his plans as early as the North American International Auto Show in Detroit next month. Let's hope Ford is ready to battle its way back.

[Source: Automotive News; sub req'd]

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