Playboy picks hottest cars of 2007

The bunny wranglers over at Playboy are no strangers to fine automobiles, as high-end exotics often grace the glossy pages of America's favorite gentleman's magazine. The Playboy empire even goes racing, sponsoring no fewer than six cars in the Grand American Rolex Sports Car Series and the Grand-Am Cup Series. So when the magazine wants to throw its own COTY list into the mix, despite the fact that we're utterly sick of COTY lists, we'll give it a glance. Rather than your boring old categories of Best Sports Coupe and Best SUV, Playboy also threw a few extra categories in that aren't your typical COTY fare, like Best Cross-Dresser and the Al Gore Special. The overall winner and Playboy's 2007 Car of the Year is the BMW Z4M Coupe. You can check out all the winners below. We hope we didn't spoil it for you, because we know you read Playboy for the articles.

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