Hallelujah! Ford Edge begins shipping

After some snafus in the supply chain forced a few weeks of delay, Ford has finally begun shipping the Edge, a vehicle that's been built up in the press as the automotive equivalent of a Hail Mary Pass. While we don't think Ford's in that dire a situation, the Edge is certainly a significant launch and the delays were warranted to ensure the first batch of Edge CUVs would be in tip top shape when delivered to dealers. Apparently all stations on the assembly line at Ford's Oakville, Ontario plant where the Edge and its platform mate, the Lincoln MKX, are produced are operating up to spec, and Ford is comfortable now with its suppliers' ability to keep up with demand for the vehicles. With a fourth of December already in the books, however, it appears that any units sold through the end of 2006 won't have much of an impact on the company's sales figures this month. That's the price you pay for quality assurance, though.
[Source: Business Week]

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