Owners of TVRs make noise for carmaker

More than 400 TVR owners paraded their steeds through London this past Sunday, in an attempt to kill two pheasants with one (very loud) stone. London Thunder was first an attempt to break the world record for the largest convoy of a single car make. And the second goal was to impress upon the British government the importance of TVR to the country. TVR's Russian billionaire owner plans to move production of the iconic British sports car off the island.

It remains to be seen if Tony Blair is motivated by the rally to help keep TVR British, but the Guinness record might have been beaten. While the count isn't official yet, those participating in the rally say they bested the 2005 Mazda-organized record-setting event that gathered 249 Miatas in New Zealand.

More photos of the event can be seen here and here.

A couple of London Thunder amateur videos are after the jump.

[Source: www.autoindustry.co.uk]

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